More resources on dealing with family enmeshment, incest and family or one parent engulfing

All works by Pia Mellody I am finding great

Pia Mellody

All works by Dr Kenneth Adams

Dr. Kenneth M. Adams – Overcoming Enmeshment


I am really starting to feel what a true assault on the soul it is to be engulfed by the opposite or same gender parent. I often feel unable to focus on myself and instead only feel and want to feel my dads emotions. It feels like taking the purity of birthing a child of God and turning them into a wooden robotic puppet doll only there for your pleasure and resource, in the same way my dog teddy brought me comfort when sad. The hatred and jealousy I experienced from mum for this dynamic meant I lost out on a relationship with my own mother. Emotional incest must be discussed with more seriousness and fervency.

I am creating some youtube videos on this subject as my experience with my father has been an all consuming extreme form of emotional incest and it has poisoned each part of my life. But really Pia and Ken explain this topic so well with decades of clinical experience so I hope you enjoy their work.

2021-08-10T13:13:39+00:00Resources, Uncategorized|

God’s Way Organisation Website

An Excerpt taken from the God’s Way website as to what God’s Way Organisation is about:

“God’s Way is a non-profit organisation established in 2016.

Our vision is to provide practical, scientifically proven solutions to the physical, emotional and spiritual problems faced by humankind.

We do this through the development and gifting of systems, services and concepts that are effective, efficient, equitable, innovative and sustainable and which serve not only the needs of humans but also support all other aspects/elements of God’s established natural system.

We seek to scientifically prove that God’s Truth is universal and benefits all of humanity, that God’s Love is a real substance that can be obtained by any person who desires it and to show that systems and creations designed and implemented in harmony with both God’s Love & Truth are not only sustainable but automatically lead to more peace, harmony and joy in all living creatures.

Some of our core values include the equal treatment of all people and we believe that truth should be available to everyone who desires it. Because of this we provide all information and services for free.

We are not aligned or affiliated with any one specific religious organisation or religious faith.”


Mary Magdalene’s Blog

Mary is the most honest and beautiful writer I have known. Her writing, honest sincere words and kindness have quite literally changed my life, opened me up to my own souls passions and also helped me feel what love from a women is. She wants me to be fully me and wants everyone to be fully them, this to me, is love.

I believe if everyone in the world wrote with as much honesty as Mary our world would rapidly change. Can you imagine sincere, investigative, expression being printed in the media instead of the fear mongering, consumerist jargon we consume in todays society?!

Mary, thank you for opening my world up from your own courageous excavations of your soul.


Eloisa Lytton-Hitchin’s Website & YouTube on her findings experimenting with Gods Way, Divine Truth.


Eloisa’s YouTube Channel


Eloisa’s website and youtube channel are fascinating. Elo is undertaking very loving, courageous and humility-filled experiments to start repairing pains of love going on within herself, her family and with situs judi slot yang gacor her children. I feel like family issues, disagreements, childhood trauma from family life etc are the root causes of so much of our pain in adult life. Elo is setting about changing this for herself and giving this opportunity for change and healing also to her children and I encourage anyone interested in healing familial situs judi slot terpercaya issues to have a read or watch.

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