An Excerpt taken from the God’s Way website as to what God’s Way Organisation is about:

“God’s Way is a non-profit organisation established in 2016.

Our vision is to provide practical, scientifically proven solutions to the physical, emotional and spiritual problems faced by humankind.

We do this through the development and gifting of systems, services and concepts that are effective, efficient, equitable, innovative and sustainable and which serve not only the needs of humans but also support all other aspects/elements of God’s established natural system.

We seek to scientifically prove that God’s Truth is universal and benefits all of humanity, that God’s Love is a real substance that can be obtained by any person who desires it and to show that systems and creations designed and implemented in harmony with both God’s Love & Truth are not only sustainable but automatically lead to more peace, harmony and joy in all living creatures.

Some of our core values include the equal treatment of all people and we believe that truth should be available to everyone who desires it. Because of this we provide all information and services for free.

We are not aligned or affiliated with any one specific religious organisation or religious faith.”